A few weeks back I talked about a prophecy that is being fulfilled right now, in real time, and the prophecy I was referring to is Daniel 11:36, where it tells us how “the king will do according to his will.”
Continue reading “Another Bible Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled”The Epstein Files Phase II: Protect the Boss
Last week there were several reports about how the Justice Department is in the midst of a chaotic effort to release more of the Epstein files, requiring an urgent review for the possible redaction of sensitive information.
Continue reading “The Epstein Files Phase II: Protect the Boss”The Antichrist and White Nationalism
There was a sobering article on Axios yesterday outlining the different ways that Donald Trump has been unraveling LBJ’s civil rights legacy, and has been rolling back protections that have shaped American life for close to sixty years.
Continue reading “The Antichrist and White Nationalism”What Would Trump Do?
Nearly all of us know the expression, “what would Jesus do?”, and are familiar with its abbreviation of WWJD. To many of us, it’s basically a reminder to consider how Jesus would handle a situation, and that we should also strive to do the same.
Continue reading “What Would Trump Do?”The 50 Best Songs for the Trump Jukebox!
A few weeks back I talked about the Donald J. Trump Jukebox, which was taking the internet by storm. Okay, maybe not by storm, but it was definitely talked about in a YouTube video – which, come to think of it, was my video.
Continue reading “The 50 Best Songs for the Trump Jukebox!”The Colossus of Our Time
Last night was a prime example of how utterly dominant Trump is on the political scene, as republicans all but got down on their knees to praise Trump, while democrats did a great job at demonstrating just how powerless they are.
Continue reading “The Colossus of Our Time”The Golden Idol
Last week Donald Trump announced that the U.S. would sell a “gold card” to wealthy foreigners, giving them the right to live and work in the U.S. and offering a path to citizenship in exchange for a $5 million fee.
Continue reading “The Golden Idol”Godfather Trump Demands Respect
Today I was going to do a video on Trump’s $5 million visa gold card, but I’m going to push that off until this weekend because once again there is surreal news regarding this administration.
In what can only be described as a shocking moment in the White House today, President Trump and Vice-President Vance openly berated Ukrainian President Zelensky for not being grateful enough for the U.S.’s help.
Continue reading “Godfather Trump Demands Respect”Trump Is Never to Blame
This is just a quick video about something I read online the other day, and it was the perfect summary of how hardcore Trump supporters – especially his Christian supporters – have dismissed every single crazy thing he has said and done.
Continue reading “Trump Is Never to Blame”Behold: The New World Order
To those of us who are interested in Bible prophecy, one consistent belief over the years is that there will be a New World Order in the last days. And that New World Order has been seen as the starting point for how the Antichrist will eventually take power over all nations.
Continue reading “Behold: The New World Order”