The Devil’s Triangle: Faith, Patriotism and Trump

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. In today’s video, I want to spend just a few minutes talking about a very disturbing trend in modern Christianity. And by modern Christianity, I mean over the last 5 years or so, since Trump was elected in 2016.

That unfortunate trend in modern Christianity is that many Christians have allowed their faith in Jesus to be polluted with extreme patriotism to the United States, and with an undying loyalty to Donald J. Trump.

And I say polluted for a reason, and that’s because many have taken the purity of the gospel – a perfect message of love and forgiveness, of salvation and eternal life – and poisoned it by mixing in the belief that America is to glorified and Trump is to be idolized.

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Was Revelation 12 Fulfilled on September 23rd, 2017? An Honest Look At A Famous Prophecy

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. In today’s video I’d like to spend a few minutes going over whether or not the first few verses of Revelation 12 were fulfilled on September 23rd, 2017.

In case you’ve forgotten, Chapter 12 of Revelation begins by painting a vivid picture for us, as John describes seeing a great wonder in heaven: that of a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon at her feet and a crown of 12 stars.

Before starting, I want to say right up front that this will be an honest and objective take on what happened, and will not be slanted one way or the other. Because of that, some of you may dislike my conclusion. I do hope, however, that you will at least hear me out and watch to the end of the video before posting any comments.

Continue reading “Was Revelation 12 Fulfilled on September 23rd, 2017? An Honest Look At A Famous Prophecy”

Channel Update: Video Deleted, Trump Might Get His Crown, and Violence Rages in America

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. Today is the end of my one week ban from YouTube, so I just wanted to give a quick update on my channel, and talk about a couple of recent news stories that caught my attention.

First, as some of you know, YouTube deleted another one of my videos last week, and this one was part 3 of the Mark of the Beast series. The video was removed because, according to YouTube, it violated their “medical information policy” – although I cannot for the life of me figure out how it did that.

Since I now have both a warning and a strike against my channel, I need to be very careful going forward. Two more strikes and I will permanently lose my channel. In the video which was just deleted, I said the “V word” more than a dozen times, which perhaps in conjunction with talking about the Mark of the Beast, tripped up one of YouTube’s algorithms.

Continue reading “Channel Update: Video Deleted, Trump Might Get His Crown, and Violence Rages in America”

The Mark of the Beast, Part 3: What the Mark Will Be (according to the bible)

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. Today’s video is Part 3 of a 3 part series about the Mark of the Beast, and in this video I’ll talk about what the Mark will be according to the bible.

Now, it’s been over a month since part 2, so thank you for everyone’s patience while I’ve been away – and I appreciate the many kind remarks left on the last two videos during that time. I am grateful for those of you who do take the time to watch these videos, leave a comment, or have subscribed to my channel.

To quickly recap the first 2 parts, in part 1 I talked about how Trump is very publicly embracing the number 45 as the actual number of his name. And, as a result, Trump is now perfectly matching Revelation 13:17, in that he marks his property just like the Antichrist will mark his: with either a simple mark, his own name, or the number of his name.

In part 2 I talked about how the number 666 in Revelation 13:18 is pointing us directly to King Solomon, and more specifically, to King Solomon’s gold. And that the bible is telling us that the final Antichrist will be obsessed with gold, and with the Sun god. Coincidentally, Trump is also obsessed with gold and the Sun god. Now, let’s move on to part three.

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The Mark of the Beast, Part 2: Trump and 666 | Bible Prophecy Video, Antichrist, Revelation

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. Today’s video is part two of a three part series about the Mark of the Beast. In this video, we will look at Revelation 13:18, and specifically how the number 666 relates to Trump. To recap part one, I talked about how Revelation 13:17 tell us that there are 3 variations to the Mark of the Beast:

  1. The Mark itself
  2. The name of the Beast
  3. The number of the name

And I talked about how Trump, with his recent embracing of the number 45, is now fulfilling all 3 of these variations in how he marks his property around the world.

  1. The letter T, as a simple mark
  2. His own last name or signature
  3. The number of his name, which is 45

In case you’re not too convinced that 45 is the number of Trump’s name, I encourage you to re-watch part one. Trump is essentially telling us that 45 IS the number of his name, and we should listen to him.

Continue reading “The Mark of the Beast, Part 2: Trump and 666 | Bible Prophecy Video, Antichrist, Revelation”

The Mark of the Beast, Part 1: Trump Embraces 45 As the Number of His Name

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. Before I begin I just wanted to give a quick update regarding comments that have not been showing up on my channel over the past few weeks. I have reached out to YouTube on two different occasions so far, but unsurprisingly they have yet to respond to me.

In the meantime I am continuing to work on my website, which is Once that site is finished, I will have comments there as well. So, either way, we’ll have a good dialogue going on regarding the Antichrist and end times prophecy.

By the way, if any of you watch Brother James Key’s videos, his channel was just given a second strike by YouTube for promoting hate speech, of all things. Three strikes and you lose your channel. Brother Key will have his videos available on Odysee, which I’m definitely going to check out, and I wish him all the best with the new platform.

As I mentioned in my last video, if you’ve made a comment and it’s not appearing, please know that I am NOT deleting it, nor are you blocked on my channel. In fact, only one person is presently blocked on my channel, and that person is most likely a bot, based on the nonsensical posts.

Continue reading “The Mark of the Beast, Part 1: Trump Embraces 45 As the Number of His Name”