Mystical MAGA: General Michael Flynn Invokes the “Sevenfold Rays” and “The Name of Your Legions”

Hi, everyone, thanks for watching. I just wanted to briefly touch on General Michael Flynn’s speech at the “Open the Heavens Conference”, held last Friday, September 17th through Sunday, September 19th.

The Open the Heavens Conference was hosted by Pastors Hank and Brenda Kunneman of the Lord of Hosts Church out of Omaha, Nebraska. This particular event itself took place at the Mid-America Center in Council Bluffs, Iowa, which is just a short 15 minute drive from Omaha.

According to their website, the “Opening the Heavens Conference is an annual, multi-day event where the prophetic heart of God and the manifestation of His supernatural power are demonstrated to those in attendance and viewing online around the world.”

The title of this year’s conference was “202WON: Year of Victory”, making it obvious that the conference was less about the heart of God and more about restoring Trump to power. It’s just the latest example that too many people are confusing politics with the Kingdom of God.

Flynn, of course, was the National Security Advisor under Trump, but over the last couple of years he has evolved into being one of the leading figures in the Qanon movement. He is also unquestionably one of the leading cheerleaders for Trump regaining the White House, by whatever means necessary.

But, the reason I wanted to bring up Flynn’s speech is the very odd phrasing he used in his morning benediction. Here is the video, and I’ll add the captions at the bottom so you can read the words he’s saying. By the way, please notice that those Christians in attendance are repeating his words.

“We are your instrument of those sevenfold rays and all your archangels—all of ‘em
We will not retreat. We will not retreat
We will stand our ground
We will not fear to speak
We will be the instrument of your will, whatever it is
In your name, and the name of your legions
We are free born, and we shall remain free born
And we shall not be enslaved
By any foe, within or without
So help me God”

The first thing that jumps out is Flynn’s usage of “sevenfold rays” and “all of your archangels.” This is occult terminology straight out of religions such as Theosophy, established in the 19th century, and founded by the Russian immigrant, Helena Blavatsky.

Theosophy is categorized by scholars of religion as both a new religious movement and as part of the occultist stream of Western esotericism. It draws upon both older European philosophies and Asian religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

Western esotericism, sometimes referred to as Western Mystery Tradition is a term scholars use to categorize a wide range of loosely related ideas and movements that developed within Western society. The term esotericism itself is basically equivalent to the term occultism.

Theosophy and other esoteric and occult religions teach that so-called Ascended Masters are formerly humans who have completed their reincarnations on earth. They now supposedly work together to help those still incarnating make a positive impact on the development of mankind.

Ascended Masters are helping mankind by revealing the sevenfold rays, the different spiritual dimensions, and other deep secrets to this mystery religion. Archangels are above them, and assist the Ascended Masters and us, where needed.

Flynn also prayed – not in the name of Jesus – but in the “name of your legions”, which certainly conjures up the idea of the occult, in my opinion. Now, I don’t need to go into this much further for you to get the idea of what’s going on.

What Flynn is talking about is pure occult mysticism. The fact that it’s been said by a supposedly Christian man, at a Christian event, to a Christian audience, who repeated his words, are a warning sign of the force behind these things.

And, in case you’re not sure what I mean, the force behind Flynn, behind Qanon, behind Trump’s lies, behind all of this national discord, and behind much of the MAGA movement, is the same force that is bringing about the Antichrist.

It is pure evil.

That’s all for today, and I hope to be back next week with a longer video. Thanks for watching, and if you care to leave a comment, please do. I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦

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