Is a Replica of The Ark of the Covenant at Mar-a-Lago?

Thanks for watching, and before I begin I just wanted to thank all the Trump supporters out there who have been leaving a number of comments on my videos over the past couple of weeks. Your comments have been very kind and gracious, and I sincerely appreciate them!

After all, in these troubling times where so much anger and hatred fill the air, it’s nice to be able to talk about bible prophecy in a calm and mature way. So, thanks again for your insightful remarks as it is clearly the Holy Spirit that is leading you to post these things.

Anyway, I wanted to talk briefly about a rumor that’s been going around a bit in the last month or so, and that concerns whether or not Donald Trump actually has a replica of the Ark of the Covenant at Mar-a-Lago.

The story began to take off nearly a month back when this image was posted on Telegram and other social media such as X. And in case you don’t recognize him, that’s James O’Keefe, formerly of Project Veritas, in the picture.

As I initially did some research into whether or not this was a legitimate picture, I ran into a few problems. First, the story itself is almost entirely relegated to far-right and VERY pro-Trump websites and social media accounts. It exists almost entirely within the right-wing echo chamber.

The exception to that is there is a bit about this story on Reddit – although if you are even a bit familiar with Reddit, you probably already know that almost anything and everything will eventually show up there at some point.

Another problem was that almost no information exists about this story prior to about a month ago. Thus, I cannot track down where Trump may have gotten this from, or when it might have first appeared at Mar-a-Lago. Assuming the story is true, of course.

Interestingly, though, James O’Keefe was rather coy about this picture on his X account. Certainly if the picture was fake, O’Keefe would have said so, or at least we hope he would have. Instead, he acted like it was a bit of an inside secret known only to those who have been there.

At this point, much of the speculation was that, for some crazy reason, Trump had a cheap knock-off of the Ark of the Covenant – or that it was actually the movie prop from “Raiders of the Lost Ark.” And, to be honest, for a while I thought that was the likeliest answer.

But about a week after the picture of James O’Keefe standing with it emerged, another picture show up – this time with Lara Loomer. In case you don’t know, Loomer is a far-right activist who loves Donald Trump. Of course, those two things go pretty much hand in hand, nowadays.

Loomer said that this replica of the Ark of the Covenant was made by a Trump supporter, and that it was unveiled at a private dinner at Mar-a-Lago attended by about 20 people. Loomer states that the dinner was focused on the topics of spiritual warfare and Judaism.

Another strange wrinkle to this story is that last summer there were reports that Israel was trying to retrieve various religious artifacts that were lent to the Trump administration in 2019. Somehow, and I’m sure this was accidental, those religious artifacts ended up at Mar-a-Lago.

There are, however, no reports from 2019 through 2023 that those religious artifacts included a replica of the Ark of the Covenant. Instead, the artifacts were ancient coins and oil lamps which were used during a Hanukkah event during the Trump administration.

So, is this rumor true?

There is anecdotal evidence suggesting that there IS a replica of the Ark of the Covenant at Mar-a-Lago. It is not a movie prop from Raiders of the Lost Ark, as I originally suspected, but rather was made by a Trump supporter and was unveiled recently at a private dinner.

If that is the case, this helps bring home the point that Trump’s supporters will go to any length to portray him as being chosen by God. And their efforts to portray him as being chosen by God are, in turn, welcomed and even encouraged by Trump himself.

Beyond that, this is even more evidence for Trump being the Antichrist. He is a man who already lined up with how the bible describes this figure. Who already has portrayed himself as savior, and who has already said he will bring peace to the entire world.

The Antichrist continues to be revealed to those who are paying attention, and now, the man who matches those biblical descriptions of a False Christ, is apparently also in possession of a replica of the Ark of the Covenant.

Thanks for watching, and if videos about bible prophecy and the Antichrist are of interest to you, please consider subscribing to my channel. If you wish to leave a comment, please do. Kindly remember to be respectful in any comment you leave, especially toward those with whom you disagree.

Thanks again for watching and I’ll talk to you guys soon. ♦

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